2 thoughts on “September 21, 2008”

  1. 52/m/190
    Did CFWUx3

    Did modified Filthy 50’s for time

    I did
    50 24 in. box jumps
    50 jumping pull-ups
    50 dumbell swings w/35lb. dumbell
    50 steps walking lunge
    50 knees to elbows (I will take 50 lashes instead please)
    50 push press w/45lbs.
    50 back extensions
    50x30lb. thrusters (as a sub for 50 wall ball shots w/20lb. ball)
    50 burpees (a special kind of hell at this point in the workout)
    50 24 in. box jumps (as a sub for double unders. I had no rope)

    My time: 58:39

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