Friday, May 26, 2023

This Saturday, CFJ will be hosting the Murph Challenge on a modified morning schedule; we will have an 8am and a 10am class. We have canceled the 9am and open gym to allow plenty of time for this Hero WOD to be completed by all athletes. We look forward to seeing all of you here!

CF Jenks will be CLOSED on Monday May 29th Memorial Day.

21-15-9 Reps for time of: 
Push Press 95/65# Rx+115/80# MRX 75/55#
Box Jumps 24/20” Rx+30/24” MRX 20/18”
T2B MRX Knee Raises

34 thoughts on “Friday, May 26, 2023”

  1. Garage Wod
    21 thrusters 95#
    10 cal bike
    21 pull-ups
    10 cal bike
    15 thrusters
    10 cal bike
    15 pull-ups
    10 cal bike
    9 thrusters
    10 cal bike
    9 pull-ups
    = 10:21

  2. Strength
    10EMOM – all rounds: 5@135#
    5EMOM: 155-175-195-205-215 (then got out of Chandler’s way!! Great job!!)

    Wod. 75#/20″/V-ups

  3. 5 Push Press EMOM for 10 Minutes
    135, 135, 155, 155, 175, 175, 185, 185, 205, 205
    1 Push Press EMOM for 5 Minutes
    225, 235, 245, 255, 275 (failed-walked it out of the rack then right back in)
    WOD Rx’d

  4. Push Press (messed it all up)
    5 Reps at 65-85-85-95-95
    1 Rep at 115-115-125-135-145
    Then… back to 5 Reps at 115 for 5 sets

    WOD w/GHD for T2B

  5. Push press x 5
    65-65-75-75-85-85-95 x 4
    Push press x 1
    105 then 115 for rest

    Push press 65#
    Box step ups
    KBS 35#

    Amazing chan chan!

  6. 95 x 4 rounds
    115 x 6 rounds to complete the 5
    24″ Box Jump
    9 t2b then the rest GHD

  7. PP 5@65×4, 85#x6 trying to work stretch reflex. Turns out I just have no coordination so that’s neat

    Wod RX with GHD subbed for TTB

  8. PP: 5×5- 85, 95, 105, 115, 135
    PP: 1x 3- 145, 155, 165, 170(f)

    WOD: 21-15-9
    PP # 65
    Step ups 21/15 box jumps for the 9
    Knee raises

    6×6/8 toes through rings

  9. EMOM: push press from the floor
    135,135,155,155,165, last 5 @155
    5 singles @ 225

    WOD RX
    Great push Butter and Caleb.

  10. Single upto 185lb failed 205.

    WOD RX’d with step downs 5:10

    Was fun Kevin and Butters. Good job.

  11. 5 Push Press
    EMOM for 10 minutes
    increase load every 2 min
    right into
    1 Push Press
    EMOM for 5 minutes
    increase load every 1 min
    210-215-220-235 (only got 4 sets in)

    As Rx’d
    Time: 3:47

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