38 thoughts on “Monday, December 2, 2024”

  1. Strength & Gymnastics
    EMOM for 20 minutes
    Odd: 5 Ring Muscle Ups (unbroken all sets)
    Even: 5 Front Squats@135# (hang squat clean into 1st rep)

    As Rx’d
    Time: 5:00

  2. Strength & Gymnastics
    EMOM for 20 minutes
    Odd: 2 Ring Muscle Ups
    Even: 5 Front Squats@135# (hang squat clean into 1st rep)

    As Rx’d
    Time: 4:19

  3. Strength & Gymnastics
    EMOM for 20 minutes
    Odd: 3 Ring Muscle Ups (unbroken all sets)
    Even: 5 Front Squats@135# (hang squat clean into 1st rep)

    As Rx’d
    Time: 3:38

  4. Strength & Gymnastics
    EMOM for 20 minutes
    Odd: 5 Front Squats@135# (hang squat clean into 1st rep)
    Even: Ring Muscle Ups:1×2/8×3/1×4 (unbroken all sets)
    As Rx’d
    Time: 3:39

  5. Strength & Gymnastics
    EMOM for 20 minutes
    Odd: 5 Front Squats – 5 sets @ 95#, 3 @ 115#, 2 @ 135# (hang squat clean into 1st rep)
    Even: 3 kipping pull-ups
    Time: 6:53

  6. Strength & Gymnastics
    EMOM for 20 minutes
    Odd: 3 sets of 5 C2B, some ring muscle up transitions, 3 sets of 1 ring muscle up.
    Even: 5 Front Squats @ 75#, 95#, remainder at 115# (hang squat clean into 1st rep)

    Time: 5:30

  7. Strength & Gymnastics
    EMOM for 20 minutes
    Odd: 5 Front Squats@1×185#, 1×205#, 8×225# (hang squat clean into 1st rep)
    Even: 3 sets of 1 CTB, 7 sets of 1 BMU
    As Rx’d
    Time: 6:12

  8. Strength & Gymnastics
    EMOM for 20 minutes
    Odd: 2 Ring Muscle Ups for 5 Sets, 3 Ring Muscle Ups for 5 Sets
    Even: 5 Front Squats@135# (hang squat clean into 1st rep)

    As Rx’d
    Time: 3:48

  9. Strength & Gymnastics
    EMOM for 20 minutes
    Odd: 5 Ring Muscle Ups (unbroken all sets)
    Even: Front Squats: 5-5-2-2-1-1-1-1-1-1

    As Mrx’d
    Time: 4:27

  10. Strength
    Hang clean to 5 front squats #135
    RMU – failed x3, 5xstrict pull ups x 7

    WOD with 115# 4:48

    Felt like a recovery day – BS and Bench Sunday

  11. 5 Front Squats hang squat clean for first rep
    205- 225x 4 -245-265-285-315
    Failed 330
    Shoulder still having issues participated in gymnastics

    Wod RX+
    Barbell unbroken

  12. Strength & Gymnastics
    EMOM for 20 minutes
    Odd: 1 Muscle Up
    Even: 5 Front Squats
    Most sets at 135#

    WOD w/ 115#
    Time: 4:30

  13. 20 MIN EMOM
    Even – 5 Front Squats 75# rd 1,2 – rest 80#
    Odd – Practice kip for bar muscle up.


  14. 5 miles with Fartlek’s in am

    20 EMOM
    Odd: 1 HSC into 5 FS
    95-105 x2- 115 x 2- 125 x3 – 135 x 2
    Even: 1 rmu x 4, then 2 rmu x 6

    Wod rx +

  15. Today was just about moving around – fun class today!

    20min emom
    even – 5 front squats (few of those rounds were only 3 reps) #95
    odd – 5 kip pull ups (few of those rounds were only 3 reps)

    wod w/ 95#

    shout out to Matt on those RMU’s – crushing it!! Thx Berry duo 🙂

  16. Strength & Gymnastics
    EMOM for 20 minutes
    Odd: 10 sets Ring Muscle Ups + 10 sets Bar MU (unbroken all sets)
    Even: 5 Front Squats@115#
    *Ring and Bar MU were unbroken sets of 3,4.

    WOD: Had a 1:30 Meeting- had to bail.

  17. Strength & Gymastics
    FS: 5@185 / 5@175
    BMU: 5 for all 10rds

    Hang SC for 12 + 3 of 9
    Then FS for the rest.

  18. EMOM for 20 minutes
    Odd: 5 Bar MU’s
    Even: 5 Front Squats@25#

    Hang Squat Clean@25#
    Over the Bar Burpees
    Time: 3:21

  19. 5 squat cleans @95-95-105-105-125-95-95-95-95-95
    2 pull as high as I could on bar working towards MU

    Wod w/ 95#
    Stepped over bar

  20. Front squats up to 135# then back down, did 5 reps for the first couple sets then switched to 3 and possibly missed a minute or 2 working on the bar with others
    BMU attempts/work, missed the first few then hit a few finally. Almost got a couple linked just rushed a bit I think. Happy with trying to work on getting them back.

    WOD Rx+ (it did not feel great)
    Unbroken, paused a few times on the 9s but unbroken none the less


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