Thursday, March 28, 2019

Team WODs 
6min AMRAP: 
-(P1) -12cal Row or A-Bike 
-(P2) -12 Dumbbell Power Cleans 
– 6 Dumbbell Push-Ups
*Partners Slap hands and switch for 6min*
REST 2min
8min AMRAP:
-(P1) – Run 200m
-(P2) -3 Dumbbell Hang Squat Clean
-3 Dumbbell S2O
-6 Dumbbell Push-Ups
**Partners Slap hands and switch for 8min*
Dumbbell Loads 50/35#Pair Rx+60# pair or more/45# pair or more MRX 45/30# Pair

15 thoughts on “Thursday, March 28, 2019”

  1. 1min Handstand PU’s – got 9 w/ two abmats
    1min Bar Dips – 15 (unassisted)
    1min Dumbell PU’s – 19

    WOD Pt 1:
    2rds + 23reps (got through the row, & 11 reps into the power DB cleans)

    WOD Pt 2:
    4 rds even

    Great job Shawn – thanks for letting me slow you down!

  2. 40 Strict HSPUs
    28 Strict Bar Dips
    40 Push Ups
    Total reps=108

    WOD without partner rx’d w/row and run

  3. Chadwick Warren

    50 HSPU (47 unbroken for a 17 rep pr)
    28 ring dips
    20 push ups
    First amrap
    RX+ w/Row cals and solo
    3 rounds + 4 Cals
    Second amrap
    RX’D w/Max

  4. 24 HSPU (sets of 23 and 1)
    28 GHDs
    40 push ups

    First AMRAP with Max
    3 rounds and 3 reps I think
    did not answer bell for 2nd AMRAP – thanks for covering for me, Chad

  5. Partner WOD with my bestie Allie
    25# DB’s
    1st AMRAP 69 cal on rower + 1 push up. Which I think is 5 push-ups shy of 3 rounds

    2nd AMRAP
    3 rounds even

  6. 1min Hspu’s with 1 ab mat=31
    1min bar dips=30
    1min push ups=25
    Wod rx with wife
    Amrap 1=2+3cals AB
    Amrap 2=3+.5 AB

  7. Strict HSPU – 6 (4,1,1)
    Strict Dips – 25 (15-5-5)
    Push Ups – 25 (5×5)
    WOD with Kev O
    WOD 1 – 3 rds + 12 cal + 6 pc
    WOD 2 – 4 rds + 150m + 6 push ups (so 50m short of 5rds)
    After class – squats

  8. Strict HSPU – 25
    Ring Dips – 31
    Push Ups – 32

    WOD with Hayden
    WOD 1 – 2 rnds + 12 cals + 3 PC
    WOD 2 – 4.5 rounds

  9. Strict HSPU – 18
    Strict Dips – 25
    Push Ups – 23
    WOD with Tyler. I slowed you down today Tyler
    WOD 1 – 3 rds + 12 cal + 6 pc
    WOD 2 – 4 rds + 150m + 6 push ups (so 50m short of 5rds)
    After class – yesterday’s strength up to 155#. Then did 5 singles of Power Snatch at 155#

  10. Branson Daugherty

    19 strict HSPU (sets of 16 & 3)
    17 strict ring dips
    31 push ups

    AMRAPs with Connor
    1st: 3+16 reps – Connor completed the row
    2nd: 4 rounds + 200m run

    Good job Connor!

  11. Team WOD:

    Run 1 mile
    100 pull-ups
    150 thrusters (75#)
    200 military sit-ups
    300 double unders
    200 push-ups
    150 SDHP (75#)
    100 burpees
    Run 1 mile

    ~70 minutes

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