Monday, March 18, 2019

3min AMRAP:
-5 Strict Pull-Ups
-10 Barbell Push-Ups
-5 Front Squats 135/95 RX+ 155/105 MRX 115/75
REST 2min
3min AMRAP:
-5 S2O
-10 Deads
-5 Hang Squat Cleans
REST 2min
6min AMRAP:
-5 Pull-Ups
-10 Deadlifts
-10 Barbell Push-Ups
-5 Hang Squat Clean Thrusters/S2O

21 thoughts on “Monday, March 18, 2019”

  1. Jeremy Fullingim

    Used the 6 o’clock class as a warmup. Gone all weekend so I couldn’t do 19.4 yet. Did st 7 am.
    Thanks Breck!
    Score: 72 reps [Rx’d]
    Details: 3 rounds +
    6 bar MUs
    Tiebreak: 4:43

  2. Strength:
    S20 – 165
    HSC – 185
    DL – 275

    WOD: RX’d
    2 rounds +
    2 rounds +
    2 rounds +
    (Should have written it down this morning!)

  3. S2O…115

    AMRAP 1- 2 rds + 5 strict pull-ups
    AMRAP 2 – 2 rds + 5 S2O
    AMRAP 3- 2 rds + 5 pull-ups
    Paced today with the goal of linking the pull-ups in the last AMRAP. Good day.

  4. Strength
    5 Minute build up to heavy S2O=225#
    5 Minute build up to heavy HSC=245#
    5 Minute build up to heavy DL=405#

    As Rx’d
    1: 4 Rounds
    2: 3 Rounds
    3: 3 Rounds + 2 HSC Thrusters

  5. S2O – push jerk 235#
    Hang squat clean – 245#
    Deadlift – 6 reps @ 245# and that was enough

    Wod mrx

  6. Strict+PushPress+PushJerk
    Up to 155
    Hang Squat Clean
    Up to 255
    Up to 375
    WOD 1 – 3 +5
    WOD 2 – 3
    WOD 3 – 3 +5+10

  7. Branson Daugherty

    Push jerk and push press:
    Up to 155
    Hang Squat Clean:
    Stayed at 155 and 165 and worked form
    Up to 225
    WODs MRX
    WOD 1 – 4+10
    WOD 2 – 2+10
    WOD 3 – 2+28

  8. Strength
    S20 – up to 125#
    HSC – up to 155# (10# PR)
    DL – up to 185#
    w/ 95#
    1: 2 rounds + 1 FS = 56 reps
    2: 2 rounds + 1 S2O = 41 reps
    3: 2 rounds + 1 PLU = 61 reps
    Total reps = 158

  9. Strength (body tired; just here to move today)
    S2O up to 125#
    Hang Squat Clean up to 155#
    DL up to 5 reps at 225#

    WODs MRx 75#
    1 – 2 rounds and 8 BBPUs
    2 – 3 rounds + 5 S2O
    3 – 3 rounds

    Tabata abs

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