Wednesday, June 8, 2022

AMRAP in 5 Minutes of:
5 Devils Press 45/30’s Rx+50/35’s MRX 40/25’s
25’ Double DB Front Rack Lunge Steps
Rest 2 minutes
AMRAP in 5 Minutes of:
5 Double Dumbbell Box Step Ups 24/20” MRX 20/18”
10 Alternating DB Snatches
Rest 2 minutes
AMRAP in 5 Minutes of:
5 DB Hang Squat Clean Thrusters
50’ Double DB OH Walk
*Athletes choice of AMRAP’s

32 thoughts on “Wednesday, June 8, 2022”

  1. Wod
    Devil press: 4+1 / RX+
    Step ups: 5+1 / RX+
    Squat cleans: 3+5/ RX+ weight only did squat cleans, didn’t realize I had to do thrusters until round 2 so just finished out that way.

    Activator completed:
    First round @ 40lbs
    2nd round @ 50lbs

  2. Activator:
    First round 30#
    Second round 35#
    15 ghds every round

    Wod rx +
    In order as written
    5 + 1 DP
    5 + 6 (1 snatch)
    5 + 1 HSC th

  3. First class at CF Jenks. Very welcoming and I got my a$$ handed to me.

    ACTIVATOR: 20#

    WOD: Rx 45#

    DP: 4+3
    SNATCH: 4+8

  4. Activator completed: both rounds w/50’s

    Wod Rx+ (unintentional. 45’s we’re in great demand today). Following order:
    1) Devils press: 3+3 DP
    2) SC Thrusters: 3+3 SC thrusters
    3) box step ups: 3+6 (1 snatch into 4th round)

  5. Activator completed:
    Round 1: 45’s
    Round 2: 50’s

    1: Devils Press: 4 Rounds + 2 DP
    2: Box Step Ups: 4 Rounds + 3 Step Ups
    3: HSC Thruster: 5 Rounds + 2 HSC Thruster

  6. Activator completed w/ 45#

    1: Devils Press: 4 Rounds + 5 DP
    2: Box Step Ups: 4 Rounds + 2 Step Ups
    3: HSC Thruster: 5 Rounds

  7. WOD rx in order
    4 rounds + 4 DP
    5 rounds + 2 step ups
    HSCT + OH walk.. this one nearly buried me
    4 rounds + 5 thrusters + 25′ walk

    Good job to rx+ers.. rough one

  8. Warmup with 15’s & 20’s

    WOD w/20’s
    1. Devil press/lunges = 3 rds + 2 press
    2. Box step 18”/snatches = 4 rds + 3 box
    3. Hang sq thrust/OH DB walk = 5 rds

  9. Activator with 30s and 35s

    Wod RX in order
    1) 5+3 devils press
    2)6+2 step ups
    3)6+2 hang squat clean thruster
    Lots of fun peeps at 9:30 today!

  10. Activator with 30s then 35s
    Wod rxd in order as written
    Devil press/lunge: 4 + 10’ lunge
    Box Steps/Snatch: 5 + 1 snatch
    HC thrust/DB Walk: 4 + 4 thrust

  11. Activator:
    Completed w/ 45# DB’s

    WOD Rx’d in reverse order:
    HSC Thruster/ Walk: 5 + 5
    DB Step-ups/ DB snatch: 4 + 4
    Devil’s press/ Lunge: 3 + 12.5’

  12. Looking good, Joanie!

    WOD as Rx’d (in order as written)
    4 Rounds + 2 DP
    4 Rounds + 7 Snatches
    4 Rounds + 3 HSCT

  13. I spy with my little eye CFJ all stars Joanie and Calli in this awesome pic – strong gals!

    Before the brief I did a little Toes to Ring/Drag Rope DU stuff…

    Activator – turned it into an EMOM w/ 20 Drag Rope DU’s during each ‘rest’ minute

    WOD as Rx’d (in order as written)
    4 Rounds even
    ….right about here i died….
    3 Rounds + 5 Step Ups
    3 Rounds + 1 HSC Thruster

    crushed it nooners!! thx breck – great class!

  14. Activator @ 30lbs

    WOD @ 25lb DB’s
    1. 5 Devil Press + 25′ Lunges = 5+1 devil press
    2. 5 DB HSCT + 50′ DB OH walk = 7+2 HSCT
    3. 5 DB Box Step ups + 10 Atl DB Snatch = 4 + 6 DBS

    Fun 9:30!! Amazing job all you RX/RX+ people

  15. Activator with 25’s & 30’s.

    WOD MRx in order
    4 + 3 DP
    5 + 3 HSCT

    Looks like you are attacking that ski erg Joanie! 🙂

  16. Activator with 30s then 35s

    Wod Rx+
    (in order as written)
    Devil press/lunge: 5 + 3 DP
    Box Steps/Snatch: 5 + 6 snatch
    HC thrust/DB Walk: 5 even

  17. Wod
    Devil press: 3 / RX+
    Step ups: 2+5 step ups/ RX+
    Squat cleans: 2 / RX+

    Activator completed:
    First round @ 45lbs
    2nd round @ 50lbs

  18. Activator W/15# DBs and 20” box
    WOD W/15# DBs and 20” box in order as
    1. 3 rds + 1 devil’s press
    2. 3 rds + 5 box step ups and 8 alternating
    DB snatches
    3. 3 rds + 5 DB hang thrusters and 25’ OH

  19. WOD. Rx’d in order written:

    DP/lunge – 5 rounds
    Box/snatches – 4 rounds
    HSCT/OH walk – 4 rounds + 5 clusters

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