23 thoughts on “Tuesday, March 5, 2024”

  1. Did this one solo at home
    5 “sprint rounds” with 1 min rest between
    40 dubs 20 ghds
    10:32 – 5 mins of rest = 5:32

    Actually did 8 rounds total but 5 rounds would be the workout ^

    Finisher rx + solo version
    100 reps bench at 85#

  2. Did this one solo
    5 “sprint rounds” with 1 min rest between
    40 dubs 20 ghds
    1: 1:11
    2: 1:10
    3: 1:10
    4: 1:13
    5: 1:40
    Total time: 10:24-4:00(rest)=6:24

    100 Bench Press@135#
    7 sets of 10
    6 sets of 5
    Time: 7:54

  3. Did this one solo
    5 “sprint rounds” with 1 min rest between
    40 dubs 20 ghds
    1: 1:05
    2: 1:00
    3: 1:00
    4: :59
    5: 1:01
    Total time: 9:05

    75 Bench @85#
    Time: 8:17

  4. Molls and Miranda – two CFJ all stars!! Great pic!

    WOD w/ Ryan Purdy
    he rocked it out RX – I had a mixed bag of GHD’s, 1/2 GHD’s, anchored situps…yadda yadda

    Finisher Rx+

    fun class – thx breck!!

  5. Partner w/Mari
    Singles, and I did 3rds GHD & 2 rds sit ups

    150 bench press 65#
    We did sets of 10 for 10 rds then sets of 5 to finish

  6. Wod 1 w/ Miranda
    13 something. I was definitely the weak link.
    Wod 2 w/ Alec
    150 reps @ 6:28
    200 reps @ 10:45
    I was definitely NOT the weak link.

  7. Partner WOD w/Amy (GJDs for me and wallball sit-ups for Amy)
    3 DU misses for me, round 2 (1) and round 4 (2)
    1 DU miss for Amy, round 5

    Bench Rx

    Some oblique abs to finish

  8. Partner WOD with the one and only Jimmy
    I did dubs (unbroken no misses) with anchored ab mat sit ups. Jimmy did 80 singles.

    150 bench press at 135#

  9. Partnered with Kent
    WOD 1 w/ sit up-ghd-sit up-ghd-sit up
    Nicole’s 400m run challenge – :70
    WOD 2 w/ 155# – 11:04

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