Monday, November 11, 2024

This Saturday, November 16, CFJ will be doing the Hero Workout “CHAD1000X”.  The gym will be open from 8:00am to 12:00pm. Come in anytime during those hours to take on this Hero WOD but there will be an official warm-up at 8:30am and the workout will start at 9:00am.  
5 Rounds for time of: 
Row 1,000 meters
200 Meter farmers carry, 45/30# dumbbells
50 Meters, right arm dumbbell waiter walk 45/30# DB
50 Meters, left arm dumbbell waiter walk 45/30# DB

U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration Special Agent Michael E. Weston, 37, assigned to the Kabul Country Office in Kabul, Afghanistan, was killed on Oct. 29, 2009, when the helicopter he was in crashed in western Afghanistan.  He is survived by his wife, Cynthia Tidler; parents, Judy Zarit and Steve; and brother, Thomas.

28 thoughts on “Monday, November 11, 2024”

  1. Jessica Van De Wiele

    Weston modified 36:58 all unbroken
    5 rounds w/25# DB
    800m row
    200m Farmers carry
    50m waiter carry right arm
    50m waiter carry left arm

  2. 5 rounds w/20# DBs
    800m row
    200m Farmers carry
    50m waiter carry right arm
    50m waiter carry left arm
    Time = 43:40

    nice work Jessica & Jacee!

  3. 5 Rounds:
    800 m row
    DB farmers carry- 30#-12 lengths of the gym
    30# Right arm waiters carry-3 lengths
    30# left arm-3 lengths
    *rowed 1000m on round 5 and tried to finish the last 800m after. Capped at 620m

    Thank you to all the Veterans!

  4. Thank you to our Veterans!!

    Weston – all movements/distances as written w/ 35# Db’s

    Such a fun class today – thx breck!! Great job, nooners!!

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