Monday, November 25, 2024

Deadline to purchase new CrossFit Jenks hoodies is Tuesday, November 26th! Sample sizes available in the lobby. Here’s the LINK TO ORDER!

For time: 
Military anchored sit-ups Rx+GHD sit-ups MRX Sit-ups
Burpees Rx+touch to 8/7.5’ bar

Thanksgiving Schedule is as follows:

Wednesday, November 27th 5:30pm & 6:30pm class is canceled

Thursday, November 28th: (Thanksgiving Day):  Closed

Friday, November 29th: 8:00am and 9:30am classes offered, all other classes are canceled.

26 thoughts on “Monday, November 25, 2024”

  1. EMOM for 16 mins:
    Odd: 5 bench press@185
    Even: 2 connected RMU’s (long straps)

    Wod Rx’d w/burpee to 8’ target

  2. Bench – 155# for all rounds
    Strict pull-ups – 4 each round

    WOD. Only did round of 50 military/ rest used arms

  3. Strength
    Bench Press: 5@185 all rounds
    Strict C2B: 4 all rounds
    (Last rep didn’t always touch chest on C2B)

    WOD Rx’d

    bench press: 5@75 all rounds
    Switched b/w 5 kipping C2B & 1 BMU
    (Failed a couple BMU)

    WOD Rx’d*
    (did not maintain military standard, used arms on the majority of reps)

  4. Strength w/G
    Bench 105# all sets
    6 rounds: 1-2 ring MU
    2 rounds: 3 bar MU

    WOD mix of Rx and Rx+
    Military sit-ups
    Burpee to 7.5ft target

    Shout out to Ryan Alonso today- the real MVP for dealing with me and Georgie on the rings while you tried to lift 🙂

  5. 5 miles in am

    RMU: 1 x 4 rounds, then strung together 3, 2, 2, 2
    Bench press: 5@ 105 every round

    Wod rx +
    Maybe plus plus bc I did 8’ rig for burpees 😉

  6. Strength:
    Bench Press: 1st round 5@185# – remaining 7 rounds 5@205#
    Strict weighted pull-ups (25# DB) – 4 reps all rounds.

    WOD as Rx’d

  7. Bench all @135#
    Alternated 5 butterfly pull-ups or 5C2B

    WOD w/GHDs for 40 & 20 rep rounds and normal burpees


    A few oblique abs

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