21 thoughts on “Saturday, January 8, 2022”

  1. TnG Power Cleans: 2@135, 2@225, 2@245, 2@265, 1@285, 1@305 (26# PR; 279# since 4/10/2021)

    WOD: 3 rounds + 5 reps
    5 Muscle Cleans w/145#
    10 GHDs
    15 Wallballs w/4# & 8′

  2. Strength/Activator:
    E2MOM – 5rds
    -2 TnG Cleans (145)
    -20 DU’s (drag rope)

    WOD Rx
    7 + 3 PC

    2016: (did 135#) 6+6t2b

    Fun one!!!

  3. Power Clean
    5 sets of 2 TnG

    WOD 11.5
    As Rx’d
    All power cleans were singles
    Everything else unbroken
    Rounds=11+5 Power Cleans

  4. Power clean (All T&G) E2MOM

    11.5 Rx’d
    9+13 (8 T2B)
    *unbroken wall balls. Unbroken T2B through round 5. 6/4 after that
    9+9 last year

  5. 11 mile run

    Home session
    Copied Alonso 🙂
    Odd: 2 power cleans tng: 115-125-135-145-155
    Even: 20 drag rope dubs UB

    Wod as rxd
    11 + 15 reps (10 t2b) pr
    Unbroken reps- had to go outside to the side of house for WBs 😛 so got my steps in which was totally fine by me..
    2016: 10+ 5

  6. Power Clean with Jamie and Mel
    5 sets of 2 TnG

    WOD 11.5 as Rx’d
    All power cleans singles
    WB unbroken, shockingly
    Rounds= 9+20 (5 WB)

    2021 score: 9+1 but did GHD instead of TTB

  7. Strength
    125-135-145-155-165 (failed the second one)
    -exact same as 2021 ‍♀️

    WOD Rx (all unbroken)
    10 + 10 T2B
    2021: 9 + 3 power cleans and I did PCs singles

    KP abs w/ Dan, thanks for joining me!

  8. 20 minute AMRAP
    10 hang muscle cleans (10# bar)
    10 strict press (10# bar)
    10 WB OH/front squat (8# ball)

    5 rds at 10 minute mark. Rested for 3 minutes to let my heart rate recover and did 3 more rounds.
    Slow and steady.

  9. Power Clean
    5 sets of 2 TnG

    WOD 11.5
    MRx (80# BB, 10#, 9′ Wall Balls)
    Unbroken Power Cleans and Wall Balls

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