Saturday, January 29, 2022

Every 5 minutes for 20 minutes:
27 Box Jumps 24/20” MRX 20/18”
21 KB Swings 55/35# MRX 45/25#
15 T2B MRX Knee Raises or Toes thru Rings
Max Calorie Ski and Bike (Alternate for 2 of each)
No rest b/w rounds.
*Athletes choice of machine to start with*

11 thoughts on “Saturday, January 29, 2022”

  1. WOD modified
    Step-ups & GHD instead of TTB
    18- bike (2:25 remaining)
    20- ski (2:05 remaining)
    17- bike (2:00 remaining)
    24- ski (1:50 remaining)
    Stopped with about 30 seconds to rest before next round

  2. Did first round reps as written then..
    Cut reps on the rest of the rounds to 21-15-9
    (Step ups, #25 kb swings, t2b)

    Got about 8-12 cals each round
    Alternated ski/bike

  3. Activator
    E3MOM for 4 Rounds
    12 Box Jump@24″
    9 KB Swings@55#
    6 T2B
    10 Calorie Ski and Bike (alternating)

    As Rx’d
    Box Jumps split up in sets of 20-7 with everything else unbroken.
    1: Ski=30 Cals
    2: Bike=25 Cals
    3: Ski=30 Cals
    4: Bike=31 Cals
    Total Calories=116

  4. Great pic, Daniel! Definitely a CFJ stud who brings it every day – you the man!

    Park WOD (something to just get the heart pumping)
    AMRAP – 10min
    -10 box jumps (onto a bench ~22”)
    -10 stationary lunges
    -10 push ups
    -10 air squats
    …lost count but somewhere between 6 and 7rds
    FINISHER: 100 Unanchored sit ups

    5rds for time
    -12 Deadlifts (155#)
    -12 WB Shots (20#\10’)
    -200m run

    Shout out to our CFJ team at KO…go get ‘em guys!!!

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