May 21, 2018
Monday 180521
8min Ascending AMRAP:
-2 KBS 55/35# RX+ 70/55# MRX 45/25#
-2 KB Goblet Squats
-2 Ab-Mat Sit-Ups (unanchored) RX+ Military unanchored
-4 KBS
-4 KB Goblet Squats
-4 Ab-Mat Sit-Ups (unanchored) RX+ Military
-6,6,6 – 8,8,8 – 10,10,10…etc
Post rounds and reps to comments.
This Saturday, CFJ will be hosting the Murph Challenge on a modified morning schedule; we will have an 8am and a 10am class. We have canceled the 9am and open gym to allow plenty of time for this Hero WOD to be completed by all athletes. We look forward to seeing all of you here!