Open gym is canceled this Saturday, September 17th.
2 Rounds for max reps of:
3 Minute AMRAP of:
20/16 Calorie Row, Bike or Ski
15 Kettlebell Swings 70/55# MRX 55/35#
Max Rep Ring or Bar MU’s MRX C2B or Pull-up
Rest 2 Minutes
3 Minute AMRAP of:
20/16 Calorie Row, Bike or Ski (different machine from last AMRAP)
15 Kettlebell Swings 70/55# MRX 55/35#
Max Rep Ring or Bar MU’s (opposite of the last AMRAP) MRX Push-up, Dip or Burpees
Rest 2 Minutes
3 Minute AMRAP of:
20/16 Calorie Row, Bike or Ski (different machine from last AMRAP)
15 Kettlebell Swings 70/55# MRX 55/35#
3 Minute AMRAP of:
20/16 Calorie Row, Bike or Ski
15 Kettlebell Swings 70/55# MRX 55/35#
Max Rep Ring or Bar MU’s MRX C2B or Pull-up
Rest 2 Minutes
3 Minute AMRAP of:
20/16 Calorie Row, Bike or Ski (different machine from last AMRAP)
15 Kettlebell Swings 70/55# MRX 55/35#
Max Rep Ring or Bar MU’s (opposite of the last AMRAP) MRX Push-up, Dip or Burpees
Rest 2 Minutes
3 Minute AMRAP of:
20/16 Calorie Row, Bike or Ski (different machine from last AMRAP)
15 Kettlebell Swings 70/55# MRX 55/35#
Max Rep Ring or Bar MU’s (opposite of the last AMRAP)
Rest 2 Minutes
*Each machine should be used twice with bar and ring MU’s done 3 times each.
Rest 2 Minutes from end of AMRAP’s, then:
With a partner, complete a sandbag mile for time.
*One sandbag and switch as needed or carry together.
*Partners choose their load.
Rest 2 Minutes
*Each machine should be used twice with bar and ring MU’s done 3 times each.
Rest 2 Minutes from end of AMRAP’s, then:
With a partner, complete a sandbag mile for time.
*One sandbag and switch as needed or carry together.
*Partners choose their load.
Did ski, bike, row & pull-ups, C2B, push-ups
#35 KB
32 total max reps
Finisher: 800 m run
WOD: did a number of things a number of times for a number of rounds (it was all very chaotic)
70KB swings unbroken each time though
Partner sandbag (80lb) carry with Michael W
Mostly Michael; I’m a good cheerleader though
Wod at home
All bike w/push up (knee), ring rows and banded pull ups. 1:20 on bike each round (broken monitor) and 35# KB
Push ups: 15-15
Ring rows: 15-15
Pull ups: 5-5
Total: 70
Finisher – 800m dog walk w/14# vest – 13:18 (senior dog pace…paused for a few to squirrel watch)
Good luck to everyone at Battle this weekend!
17 Bar MUs (5, 6, 6)
Only 6 Ring MUs (3, 2, 1)
Finisher: 12:59 min. 1 mile walk/jog while David carried an 80# sandbag the entire way . . .Nice work, David.
WOD w/ 35# KB (bike, row, ski)
Pullups: 15/18/17
Burpees: 13/13/13
Finisher as Rx’d: 11:29
Nikki literally killed this thing! Thanks for letting me tag along!
WOD – Row, Bike, Ski (35#KB)
Pullups 16-10-10
Burpees 13-11-6(super slow on the Ski)
1 mile run rx w/Nicole
Super fun finisher
55# kb
bar m/u – 4/3/3
strict ring dips – 10/6/5
1 mile run w/ Toby with a 65# bag
This whole workout was one of my favorites.
Great work everyone and thanks Toby for partnering up.
Wod. Bike/Ski/Row
Pull-Overs: 5 / 3
Ring MU: 1 / 2
Push-ups: 33 / 27
finisher – 50# Sandbag with Kevin O.
Wod RX
Ring 5,4,2
Bar 5,5,6
Total 27
WOD Row/Bike/Ski
KB = 70#
Strict PU – 14/8=22
Push ups – 30/20 = 50
Ring MU – 3/3 = 6
finisher – 50# Sandbag with Shawn.
Felt great coming back from 3 nights in Vegas!
Wod w/ BMU: 5-4-4-4-4-1 = 22
Casual 4k bike: 8: something
1. Row + 10c2b
2. Bike + 6 pushups
3. Ski + 2c2b
4. Row +6 pushups
5. Bike + 6 kbs
6. Ski + 15 kbs
800m w/50# sand bag + 800m jog
WOD w/ 25# KB (bike, row, ski)
Bar MU: 5/5/5
Ring MU (long straps): 5/4/4
Finisher 1 mile (bagless): 9:19