Wednesday, November 20, 2024

For Time:
AMRAP 3 x 2 Sets:
1,000/900 Meter Bike
Max Toes to Bar

Rest 3 Minutes

AMRAP 3 x 2 Sets:
500/450 Meter Ski
Max Toes to Bar

Rest 3 Minutes

AMRAP 3 x 2 Sets:
500/450m Row
Max Toes to Bar

Athletes choice of order.

26 thoughts on “Wednesday, November 20, 2024”

  1. WOD Rx’d
    Ski: 25/21
    Row: 15/14
    Bike: 20/14
    Total: 109
    (Apparently I couldn’t do math when I told Breck 99 in class)

    Finisher: #5 heavy rope

  2. WOD Rx
    Bike: 12/17- 29
    Ski: 10/11- 21
    Row: 10/12- 22
    Total: 72

    Finisher- 3# Heavy Rope – 230 reps

    Great job nooners!! Thx Breck!

  3. WOD Rx’d
    Bike: 21/17- 38
    Ski: 12/13 – 25
    Row: 12/12- 24
    Total: 87

    20 Push-ups
    20 Hip Ext.
    20 Push-ups
    20 Heavy rope Singles
    20 Push-ups

  4. Wod RX
    Row – 20-15
    Ski – 16-10
    Bike – 23-16
    T2B All sets of 5, besides some singles at the end of time

    Heavy Rope (need to do more heavy rope)

  5. WOD Rx in order written
    Bike 26/27 (53)
    Ski 13/16 (29)
    Row 13/17 (30)
    Total T2B 112
    Bike by far the easiest to do T2B after then row and ski


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