April 4, 2012

Wednesday 120404

Squat clean and jerk 30 reps for time. (Men 155 lbs, Women 105 lbs)

The barbell goes from ground to overhead, passing through a front squat in which the crease of the hip passes below the height of the kneecap. The finish position is with the arms, hips and knees fully extended, arms overhead, with at least a portion of the ear visible in front of the arm. Dropping the barbell is acceptable.

Post time to responses.

Compare to November 12, 2010.

26 thoughts on “April 4, 2012”

  1. Landed on my knee funny and it was hurting. Stayed light and focused on mechanics today.

    Squat clean & jerk up to 75 lbs

    WOD w/ 65 lbs: 9:00

  2. Squat clean and jerk
    115-125-135(fx4..cleaned but couldn’t get up)
    WOD as rx’d
    15:59 technically DNF since i was passed time limit but glad I finished rx’d
    Thanks Brody and Andy for counting! Good job 5am…great pic!

  3. Squat clean and jerk up to 165. Power clean and jerk up to 185 (pr), but wasn’t as “pretty” as Christina’s.
    WOD as rx’d 6:36
    Thanks Christina for working out with me! Good job 6am!

  4. Squat Clean & Jerk
    5 x 65, 3 x 85, 2 x 90, 2 x 95 – dropped to 65 to work on jerk form

    WOD w/ 85 lbs: 13:17

    Awesome job this morning Jessica!!!

  5. Squat clean & jerk: 195
    Failed the jerk @ 205 and 210

    WOD as RXd: 7:56

    I recommend using the “thruster jerk” for this WOD….should have done those from the start.

  6. Squat Clean & Jerk
    1 @ 155, 165, 175, 180 (PR), 185 (PR)
    WOD as Rx’d
    5:31 (PR)
    Thanks for pushing me today Mandy. Seriously, I want your power cleans. They looked effortless.

  7. Squat Clean & Jerk
    1 @ 165, 175, 185 (failed; made the squat clean, couldn’t get out of squat)
    WOD as Rx’d
    Nice job on all the PRs today. Lots of strong folks at cfj!!

  8. Squat Clean & Jerk
    135(failed on jerk)
    125(failed on jerk)

    WOD as Rx’d
    5:20 (first time as rx’d so PR!)

    Great job to everyone today!!

  9. Squat Clean/Push Jerk
    5 x 85
    3 x 115
    2 x 135
    1 x 165
    1 x 175(cleaned it 4x but dropped it)
    No PRs today but gj to everyone else who did!

    WOD as rx’d

  10. Squat clean and jerk 205-230F
    Wod as rx’d = 9:49 PR
    Last time 12:00 with 135#
    There was an odd Priest sighting at 5:30 class.

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