Saturday, October 28, 2023

**New Crossfit Jenks hoodies, sweatshirts and long sleeve t’s are available for pre-order and will be here just in time for the colder weather! Click HERE to view the order form. Deadline to order is November 1st, all orders will be auto-drafted December 1st.** 

6-12-18-24-18-12-6 reps for time of: 
Wall Ball Shots 20/14# 10/9’ MRX14/10# 10/9’
Hang Cleans 95/65# Rx+115/80# MRX75/55#

9 thoughts on “Saturday, October 28, 2023”

  1. Activator/Strength (no push ups used as rest min
    Wall ball completed
    Hang Cleans (power/squat)
    8 @245
    6 @265
    4 @285
    2 @305
    Wod RX+

  2. Strength/Activator
    Min 1: 10 Wall ball shots@20#
    Min 2: 10 Push-ups
    Min 3: 10 Hang Cleans@95#
    Min 4: 8 Wall ball shots
    Min 5: 8 Push-ups
    Min 6: 8 Hang Cleans@165#
    Min 7: 6 Wall ball shots
    Min 8: 6 Push-ups
    Min 9: 6 Hang Cleans@215#
    Min 10: 4 Wall ball shots
    Min 11: 4 Push-ups
    Min 12: 3 Hang Cleans@245#
    Min 13: 2 Wall ball shots
    Min 14: 2 Push-ups
    Min 15: 2 Hang Squat Cleans@245#

    As Rx’d
    Everything unbroken
    Time: 14:14

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