With a partner, for time: (25 minute cap)
200 Meter Sled Push/Pull (one athlete pushes 100 meters while other athlete pulls 100 meters, then switch)
150’ Sandbag Front Rack Lunge Steps (alternate every 25’ for 75’ each athlete)
100 Sandbag Facing Burpees (alternate every 5 reps for a total of 50 reps each)
150’ Sandbag Front Rack Lunge Steps (alternate every 25’ for 75’ each athlete)
200 Meter Sled Push/Pull (one athlete pushes 100 meters while other athlete pulls 100 meters, then switch)
200 Meter Sled Push/Pull (one athlete pushes 100 meters while other athlete pulls 100 meters, then switch)
150’ Sandbag Front Rack Lunge Steps (alternate every 25’ for 75’ each athlete)
100 Sandbag Facing Burpees (alternate every 5 reps for a total of 50 reps each)
150’ Sandbag Front Rack Lunge Steps (alternate every 25’ for 75’ each athlete)
200 Meter Sled Push/Pull (one athlete pushes 100 meters while other athlete pulls 100 meters, then switch)
Sled loads:
2 Men: 70# Rx+90# MRX 45#
2 Women: 25# Rx+45# MRX empty sled
1 Man, 1 Woman: 45# Rx+70# MRX 25#
Sandbag loads:
Men: 80# MRX 50#
Women: 50# MRX 35#
2 Men: 70# Rx+90# MRX 45#
2 Women: 25# Rx+45# MRX empty sled
1 Man, 1 Woman: 45# Rx+70# MRX 25#
Sandbag loads:
Men: 80# MRX 50#
Women: 50# MRX 35#
Partner WOD with Emma MRX 18:18
Rx+ w/ David S.
2 mile partner run with Bobby then,
Partner WOD with Nahla 15:07
Empty sled, 50 lb bag, I did 50 burbees, I think Nahla did about 15 burbees with about a 25 lb bag. The sled really did her in but she got through it. Good job!
Happy Birthday, Kevin and Breck!
Wod Rx’d w/ KO
Great work KO!
Happy birthday KO and Breck!
Partner WOD Rx with Miranda
Thanks for partnering with me, Miranda!!
Happy birthday to Breck and KO!
WOD rx w/ Kait