Tuesday, July 9, 2024

Every 3:00 for 5 rounds:
40 Double-unders
20 Wall-ball shots 20/14# 10/9’
– Rest the remainder of each interval.
– Score is the fastest round.

At the 15 minute mark go right into:

AMRAP in 10 minutes of:
10 Strict weighted pull-ups 20/14# Medicine ball b/w feet
20 Strict pull-ups
30 Chest-to-bar pull-ups
40 Kipping pull-ups

24 thoughts on “Tuesday, July 9, 2024”

  1. Wod as rxd
    Then rest of rounds to 10’

    Pull-up Finisher
    As rxd
    Completed 23/40 kipping pull ups
    My c2b were all kipping too

  2. WOD Every 3:00 for 5 rounds:
    40 Double-unders
    20 GHD

    1) 1:03
    2) :59
    3) 1:00
    4) :59
    5) 1:01

    AMRAP in 10 minutes of: 1 round
    *failed attempt at weighted pull-up at buzzer

  3. Wod Rx’d
    Score= 1:00
    Everything unbroken

    Finisher Rx’d
    1 round
    * 10 weighted pull-ups w/20# WB unbroken
    * Same as Rachel B. Failed weighted strict at buzzer. Great job Rachel!

  4. WOD w/ 20 Dubs and 10 WB’s
    Did not keep track of time. Worked on Dub’s

    Finisher RX
    weighted strict pull ups from women’s bar. Im not Spud Webb
    Wasn’t in a big hurry today. Made it through 9 of the kipping pull ups at time cap.

  5. 50yoa, 188lbs, 5’10”

    Wod Rx
    1:07, 1:07, 1:22 (clipped 2x), 1:07, 1:16(clipped once)

    Finished up to 20 C2B

  6. WOD alternate DU/SU to a total of 40 counting each
    1:14 best time, misses on DU and wall balls

    Finisher through 10 kpu

  7. Wod.
    Subbed 8cals on ski-erg for dubs / 20# – 10′ WB
    1.06 – 1.11 – 1.14 – 1.18 – 1.24

    Pull-up Wod Rx’d.
    12 kipping PU’s

  8. Wod Rx with 10ft WB target
    1:??? (Had to redo two no reps but didn’t look at clock in time)
    1:10 (one no rep that hit the floor then a redo)

    Pull-up Finisher Rx
    Weighted pull-up w/14lb med ball
    Butterfly CTB 6/5/5/5/5/4
    Completed 26/40 kipping pull ups

    Nice job on finisher, Chase!

  9. WOD Rx – completed (very happy with that)

    Finisher – instead of weighted strict I did regular strict (so 30 of those).
    *got through the 30 C2B at cap

    Shout out to Chase – way to come into our noon class and knock us down a few pegs 🙂 Great job! Thx Breck!

  10. Modified WOD
    Single unders (doubles on rd 5 only)
    WB push press 10#
    1 – 0:53
    2 – 0:53
    3 – 0:50
    4 – 0:51
    5 – 1:15

    Practiced strict with 1”band for 7 min,
    3 min of kipping. Didn’t keep count

  11. WOD# 1
    As Rx’d
    Everything unbroken
    1: 1:07
    2: 1:06
    3: 1:05
    4: 1:05
    5: 1:04-fastest

    WOD# 2
    As Rx’d
    10 Strict Med Ball Pull-ups (unbroken)
    20 Strict Pull-ups (4 sets of 5)
    30 Kipping C2B (6 sets of 5)
    40 Kipping Pull-ups (4 sets of 10)
    1 Strict Med Ball Pull-up
    *jumped with med ball b/w feet to 8′ bar for weighted pull-ups

    Total reps=101

  12. WOD rx
    Inspired by Koleson to do DU as fast as possible which was 1:00. Broke once at 1:06 and second 1:03
    Second part as rx
    22/40 kipping pull ups (lots of singles.. palm preservation about halfway through)
    Liked this one a lot!

  13. Wod as rxd

    Pull-up Finisher
    As rxd
    Completed 10/40 kipping pull ups
    c2b were all kipping too

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