Some super strong and awesome CF Jenks athletes in that pic. Looking good and almost in unison!
That workout destroyed me. It hurt me good. Do not know why it was so hard on me. I had no business doing 185lbs, but it sure did not feel like it was the weight that smoked me so bad. My hat goes off to any Master’s that was able to finish this WOD at the CF Games in the time cap with a fat bar. Just for fun I looked at my master’s class and the Stud (Ron Matthews) who won did it in 5:20, 2nd at 6:49 and 3rd at 7:53. Wow!
3-2-1 Complex = 125 – 155 – 185 – 205 – No more, 205 was it as I want to jerk with my left knee.
WOD “The Final” = RXd = 8:31 – Should have scaled to MRX at 135 or 155lbs – stared at bar too much, still not sure if it was weight or my mental weakness or physical weakness, it just hurt.
Core & Shoulder Development: = Complete
Strength 3dl 2hpc 1jerk
Up to 185lb then failed second attempt at 185lb
WOD at 135lb
4sets of 4 ring dips
Hollow rocks 25
Hp left 45sec
Hp right 45sec
Hollow rock 10
55lb plate tricep press 2 sets of 15
Wasn’t sure what French press was.
4 mile run right before left me super light headed, lots of breaks during the wod
Strength cluster
105-120-130-140-150 (2 rep hc pr!)
Wod as rxd
Great push Allie, that was tough in the heat!
WOD as Rx’d: 11:08
C2b were 2:18- could not get a rhythm tonight. thanks for talking me into 125# Nicole! And Natalie, thanks for cheering me on. That was tough.
3 DL+ 2 HPC+1 Jerk
WOD w/ 105#, Did 10 C2B then 17 pull-ups
15 Dips
25 hollow rocks
30 sec plank Rt & Lt
15 military sit-ups
3DL-2HPC-1Jerk Cluster:
Up to 185#
WOD scaled w/C2B’s & 155#:
Look at all those pretty ladies, especially the Mexican one 😉
3 DL + 2 HPC + 1 Jerk
WOD as Rx’d = 7:12…..have to learn to be more efficient at C2B
Great job 5 am!!
Happy Monday!!!
Strength complex: 75-85-95-100-105
WOD w/kipping PLU & 85# (should have gone heavier…)
Time = 5:08
20 parallette dips
25 hollow rocks
1 min high plank right side
25 hollow rocks
1 min high plank left side
50 french press tricep thingies w/15# plate
Strength: 3DL + 2HPC + 1 Jerk
WOD Rx’d=5:36
Strength cluster complex: 3 DL + 1 hpc + 1 jerk
WOD as rx’d except did pull-ups (185#)
Strength complex 3DL+2HPC+1JERK
135-155-185-205-225 split the last two sets
Scaled weight should have went prescribed
WOD w/155#
Had to leave couldn’t get in the accessory work :/
3 deadlifts-2 hang power cleans- 1 jerk
Wod rx
Some super strong and awesome CF Jenks athletes in that pic. Looking good and almost in unison!
That workout destroyed me. It hurt me good. Do not know why it was so hard on me. I had no business doing 185lbs, but it sure did not feel like it was the weight that smoked me so bad. My hat goes off to any Master’s that was able to finish this WOD at the CF Games in the time cap with a fat bar. Just for fun I looked at my master’s class and the Stud (Ron Matthews) who won did it in 5:20, 2nd at 6:49 and 3rd at 7:53. Wow!
3-2-1 Complex = 125 – 155 – 185 – 205 – No more, 205 was it as I want to jerk with my left knee.
WOD “The Final” = RXd = 8:31 – Should have scaled to MRX at 135 or 155lbs – stared at bar too much, still not sure if it was weight or my mental weakness or physical weakness, it just hurt.
Core & Shoulder Development: = Complete
Wod 95# and reg pu
Core development
Strength complex
Wod rx:
Deceptively hard, a lot of standing around
WOD w/ 95#
WOD rx’d
Ditto what Max said
Strength 3dl 2hpc 1jerk
Up to 185lb then failed second attempt at 185lb
WOD at 135lb
4sets of 4 ring dips
Hollow rocks 25
Hp left 45sec
Hp right 45sec
Hollow rock 10
55lb plate tricep press 2 sets of 15
Wasn’t sure what French press was.
Strength: 115, 135, 160, 170 (2 rep PR!), 175 failed the hang clean twice 🙁
WOD @ #125- 5:51
Fun class nooners!
Up to 190 (failed on my 2nd HC rep) 🙁
Regular PLU’s
forearms were burnin’ 🙂 Great job noon class!
Strength Complex up to 130, f jerk @ 140
WOD Rx’d
Thanks for the push, Georgie, and congrats on your PR!!!
I did a bar muscle up for the first time today.
That is all.
85-105-115-125-135 (f) clean first time then got it on 2nd attempt
WOD w/pull-ups and 105# 6:39
Strength Complex up to 155#
WOD Rx’d (jumping pull ups)
Great job Georgie and Allie!
Cluster to 215#
Monday MRx: 9:05
Up to 215#
Wod. W/ C2B & 165#
4 mile run right before left me super light headed, lots of breaks during the wod
Strength cluster
105-120-130-140-150 (2 rep hc pr!)
Wod as rxd
Great push Allie, that was tough in the heat!
3 Deadlifts + 2 Hang Clean + 1 Split Jerk
135/185/205/225/245/265(only got 3 Deadlifts and 1 Hang Squat Clean)
As Rx’d
Time: 6:12
135-155-165-175-185 (skipped DL)
WOD w/ C2Bs & 155#
Strength: 105-115-120-125-130
Wod: Pullups & 105#
Time: 11:10
I took a couple of breaks 🙂
WOD w regular PLU and 125#
Cluster w/ Shan!
WOD as Rx’d
9:01 (C2B took about 3 min 🙁 )
Great work, 5:30!!
And congratulations Nick!
Complex up to 195#
WOD w/ C2B and 155#
3 Deadlifts/2 Hang Power Cleans/1 Split Jerk
WOD as Rx’d
Strength 135,185,205,225,235
Wod rx 8:13
Wod rx’d: 6:19
Complex 185#
WOD c2b 155#
Complex up to 75#
WOD w/60# and 27 jumping pull ups
Beautiful and strong ladies in this pic!!!
Great pic!!!
Cluster w/ Nicole
WOD as Rx’d: 11:08
C2b were 2:18- could not get a rhythm tonight. thanks for talking me into 125# Nicole! And Natalie, thanks for cheering me on. That was tough.
3 Deadlifts/2 Hang Power Cleans/1 Split Jerk
Wod w/ C2B and 155#