May 25, 2018

Friday 180525

For Time: 
-33 Doubles
-11 Power Snatch 95/65 RX+ 115/75 MRX 75/55
REST 3min Add/wt
-15/13cal Row or A Bike
-9 Hang Power Snatch 115/75 RX+ 135/95 MRX 95/65
REST 1min
-33reps of GHD Sit-Ups or Weighted 15/10lbs Sit-ups (anchored) or T2B (athletes choice)

Post total time minus 4 minutes of rest to comments.

Tomorrow CFJ will be hosting the Murph Challenge on a modified morning schedule; we will have an 8am and a 10am class. We have canceled the 9am and open gym to allow plenty of time for this Hero WOD to be completed by all athletes. We look forward to seeing all of you here!

CF Jenks will be CLOSED on Monday May 29th Memorial Day.

15 thoughts on “May 25, 2018”

  1. Power Snatch and Hang Squat Snatch

    WOD as rx’d with rowing and GHDs

    14:40 – 4:00 = 10:40

  2. Great PIC ED!
    Strength with Wod weight only, mixed in 5 strict pull-ups each rd

    Did 11 back squats (75#) instead of dubs
    With bike
    10# plate with sit-ups
    13:45 ish

  3. 50 ghd sit-ups

    Strength e2mom power snatch, hang power snatch
    3@115# ps
    3@135# hps
    2@145# ps
    2@145# hps
    1@145# ps
    1@145# hps

    WOD Rx. With double unders, row, and t2b
    1: 7:13
    2: 17:21 (7:08)
    3: 20:25 (2:04)

  4. HPS up to 2@155
    PS up to 1@165

    WOD as prescribed except 7 cal AB for DU (15 cal row for part 2 and 15# weighted sit-up for part 3)
    15:35 – 4:00 = 11:35 (3:20, 6:59, 1:16)

  5. Power snatch:
    1@225(10lb Pr)
    Hang power snatch:
    1@245(10lb Pr)
    Wod Rx+ w/rowing and Ghd:
    14:48 (had to adjust Ghd)

  6. At home wod with 20lb weight vest
    1K row
    50 pushups 50 situps 50 squats
    1K row
    40 of each
    1K row
    30 of each
    1K row
    20 of each
    1k row
    10 of each

  7. PS up to 57#
    HPS up to 50#

    WOD w/40#, 16 doubles and 16 singles each rd

    Finished the two WODS at 16:53 at 17:53 got 3 regular sit ups at time cap
    I finished 33 sit ups using hands

  8. Snatch
    3 Pwr Snatch@105
    3 Hang Pwr Snatch@105
    2 Pwr Snatch@115
    2 Hang Pwr Snatch@115
    1 Pwr Snatch@125
    1 Hang Pwr Snatch@125

    WOD Rx w/anchored sit-up (10#)
    14:05-4(rest) = 10:05

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