EMOM for 30 minutes of:
5 Pull-ups
10 Push-ups
15 Squats
*If athlete falls behind on maintaining a round EMOM then it becomes a 30 minute AMRAP*
*If athlete made all 30 rounds last time then add 1 rep to all movements*
Compare to June 15, 2020.

Death by sprinty-thingys:
Through 12/16 in minute 8
WOD Rx’d
Only through 5 @ EMOM (bad Deadpool)
Total: 23 + 5 (good Deadpool!)
9/10; 16 completed
22 + 6
Bike instead of shuttle runs 4K+
Modified WOD
30 min AMRAP
5 ring row
10 push-ups (knees)
15 squats
18 rds+ 4 ring rows
Activator- 2-4-6-8-10-8-6-4-2
Wod: first 5 rounds in EMOM with pull-ups then 10 more rounds with ring rows and knee pushups. Stopped at 15 rounds, then from 21lbs-30 min 60m sprints in 30sec/rest 30 sec.
Great job Jen, Tammie, Rachel, and Aimee!!
EMOM for 10 minutes
Death by 20 meters (in 10 meter sections)
Here is what I did:
Min 1: 20 meters
Min 2: 40 meters
Min 3: 60 meters
Min 4: 80 meters
Min 5: 100 meters
Min 6: 100 meters
Min 7: 80 meters
Min 8: 60 meters
Min 9: 40 meters
Min 10 20 meters
Completed unbroken with kipping pull-ups.
All rounds were around 35 seconds.
20 rounds (tried to stay on 1:30/round pace)
Death by 20 meters
Completed the round of 18
Completed all 30 rounds.
30 minute clock:
5 Ring Rows
10 G2O w/ 25# plate
15 sit-ups
Alt b/n 400m run, ski & 1K bike
7 Rounds — nice active recovery day.
Completed the Round of 16.
Wod. Mod
5 Strict Pullups + 10 pushups + 15 Air Squats + 400m Run
9 Rounds
(2020 completed Chelsea w/ 20# weighted vest)
4 strict pull-ups
4 strict HSPU
9 goblet squats (35# KB)
Completed all 30 rounds (30-35 seconds)
Completed the Round of 16.
Wod. Mod
AMRAP of: 5 Pullups + 10 HSPU + 10 GHD
11 Rounds then…
AMRAP of: 5 Pullups + 10 Pushups + 10 Back Ext.
7 Rounds + 10 Pushups
Death by bike cals
2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14 + peddled a little more
WOD 15 rounds of Cindy.
Activator – took breck’s approach here. 20 up to 100, then 100 back down to 20
**Shout out to Butters….great job on this!
Chelsea – Rx
Completed all 30rds.
felt good to sweat 🙂
great pic, nicole – the hops! Fun class! Great job nooners!
Knew you’d get this one easily! Great job, Ryan!
Death by 20m
Made it through 14 then finished the last rounds with 10s
Wod RX’d
Completed 30 rounds
Push-ups were ugly. Narrow hands because of shoulder.
Thanks for the push Tibor and Monica!!
Great MUs, KB!!!!!
Love the website pic, Nicole and G!!
Same as Breck
Rds 1-8 did 3/6/9 rep scheme
Rds 9-30 did 3/4/9 rep scheme
Good job Molly, T & Ryan!!
made 140M then did
Great job, Butter on those sprints!
2 bar MU
10 push-ups
15 air squats
Total: 18 rounds
No fails on MU (win!)
Nice job Molls and T- way to stick with it !
Heyyoo – look at you with those MU’s! Awesome!!!
Made it through 16/18
“Chelsea” Rx’d
Made 15 rounds then amrap
2020: made all 30
Activator: Successful through round 7
WOD Rx: EMOM through round 5, then an AMRAP for 13 rounds.*
*took the time to work on kipping PU.
30 minute AMRAP
2 ring MU
10 push ups
15 squats
19 rounds + 1 ring muscle up then ripped on the final ring MU 🙂
Activator: up to 10 then worked back down
Wod: 3-6-9
(Knee push-ups for most of the rounds)
“Chelsea” RX’d
29 rounds completed
Round 23-29 only did 10 air squats (400 total air squats completed)
Maddy & Heather
3 Ring rows, 6 push-ups from knees, 9 air squats
Both completed around 12 rounds or so.
Good pic Nicole & G!
Activator: 2-4-6-8-10-10-8-6-4-2
3/6/9 for 29 rounds
5/10/15 for 30th round
552 reps
1.5 mile walk with Chrissy
Beautiful day