24 thoughts on “Wednesday, January 8, 2025”

  1. Jessica Van De Wiele

    Strength 2 power cleans 75/85/95/105/115

    WOD 5+15
    5 power cleans 100#
    10 TTB
    15 wallballs 12#
    20 GHD

  2. Power clean (All T&G) E2MOM

    11.5 Rx’d
    10+2 (2 PC’s)
    T&G PC’s through 2 rounds, then all singles
    6/4 all T2B
    UB wall balls

    2022: 9+13 (8 T2B)
    2021: 9+9

  3. Strength 135, 155, 165, 175, 185f (failed second)

    WOD RX 8 rounds + 2 PC, all PC & T2B unbroken except last two. WB unbroken except for misses

  4. Strength – 2 @ WOD weight each set (135#)

    WOD w/ 135# PC’s and Knee Raises
    7rds + 12 (7 knee raises)

    fun class today – thx breck!

  5. Strength: 2 power cleans all tng

    WOD 11.5 Rx
    11+ 18 (3 WB)

    2022: 9+20 (5 WB)
    2021 score: 9+1 but did GHD instead of TTB

  6. Power clean 2 TnG E2MOM

    WOD Rx
    10 + 8 T2B
    Gave myself 2 no reps on the first 2 rounds of wallballs, went high enough but didn’t touch the wall
    Unbroken until last T2B 5/3

    2022: 10 + 10 T2B unbroken
    2021: 9 + 3 PC


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