August 14, 2018

Tuesday 180814

13 Min AMRAP
-13 HSPU or Strict Press 115/75 MRX 85/55 (can alternate on rds if desired)
-11 Ring Dips MRX Bar Dips
-9 Barbell Push-Ups MRX Push-Ups
-3 Bar Facing Burpees
Post rounds and reps to responses.

20 thoughts on “August 14, 2018”

  1. WOD w/bar dips: 3 rds + 8 dips
    (HSPU first two rds, 115# strict press next two)
    135, 155, 165, 165 (12 reps)

  2. WOD w/85# Strict Press & Strict Ring Dips:
    3 rounds

    Strength: Clean Grip Bench Press
    1@160 (Couldn’t focus with Chase’s trash talk)
    4@160 (Close Grip)

  3. WOD super modified
    Hspu w/2 abmat 1st rd, 55# press 2nd, 35# bar after that; Reg push ups; Banded bar dips
    3 rds + 8 strict press

    Bench 4 x 10 @ 55#

  4. Started with 75#, then switched to 55# after 4 reps:), parallelette dips, regular push-ups, stepped over bar for burpees
    3 rounds + 6 push-ups

    Close grip bench
    4 x 10 @65#

    Fun to have Moses and Jacee get started with me today!

  5. Started out with 55# and dropped to 35#, dips with green band, knee bar bell Pu.
    3 rounds + 7 pu

    R1&2 55# R3&4 65#

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